Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Visiting Mike's Office

Today has been a big day for me. I went to Mike's work for the first time today. He started this job January 31st and because of leaving my work early today I was able to go visit Mike today at his work. At this stage of pregnancy it is hard to meet new people. It's hard for me because I know what I normally look like, and even though I am very happy with how I look right now and very happy to have this big ol belly full of Levi it still feels weird to meet people for the first time looking like this. So all that in mind I of course struggled with what to wear to meet his bosses and coworkers for the first time. I struggled with whether or not I should dress up or dress casual. In the end casual won because it seemed cuter to me. So I went to Mike's work and met his bosses and coworkers. Everyone was super nice and sweet to me. I was really happy. I like this job and company for Mike more than any other place he has worked. The company is family friendly and they have been very clear about how much they value Mike. The way to my heart is through my stomach but also by loving my family and appreciating my family. So the fact that they appreciate and value Mike so much already makes me love the company and the people. But on top of all that the work environment is very professional and looks very nice. Every person I met commented on Levi of course and they all said how great I look (the other way to my heart is by flattering me *wink*). So despite having a very cruddy morning I had a great afternoon visiting Mike's office and then going swimming with Mike on his lunch break. I needed a breath of fresh air after this morning.

1 comment:

  1. I am more skeptical than you...I can´t trust any workplace until I´ve been there for a good year or so...
