Sunday, April 10, 2011

My Laugh

I realized last night after going to the movies to see Arthur (the new one) that I have yet again become my Mother in another weird way. I have her laugh. Yes. That doesn't seem like a big deal unless you know my Mom, and some of you reading do. Her laugh is so distinctive and loud that when I was in middle school doing a play and she came to surprise me (and my brothers) the surprise was blown because we could hear her laughing throughout the performance and knew she was there.

As a teenager I was mortified by her laugh. We would go to movies and she would do her laugh, even when NO ONE ELSE WAS LAUGHING! I would turn beet red and that would just make her laugh more. She didn't care at all that she was so loud and alone in her enjoyment of the moment.

Last night at the movies I realized that I am now the exact same way. I didn't care that I was the only person laughing or that I was laughing so loudly. I was thoroughly enjoying myself and was just tickled pink to be seeing such funny stuff. It was really fun. And thankfully, though Mike noticed I was the only person laughing, he wasn't embarrassed by me. He didn't care.

Something that I have noticed about Bailey and Evelyn is that they both laugh the same way, without abandon. They laugh loud and proud and they always want us to know what is making them laugh so they retell what just happened or rewind and tell us to come see what made them laugh. I love that about both of them. They love to laugh! I hope that the impending years of puberty and peer pressure don't change that for them. But if it does I am pretty sure it will be temporary because look at me. I was mortified by it as a teenager and now I embrace it whole heartedly. =)

Here is an example of the Laugh: