Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Grandparents

My parents are here visiting us today and on Monday or Tuesday Mike's parents will be here visiting us for the week. It is hilarious to watch our children transform when their grandparents are around. Both Evie and Bailey LOVE their grandparents intensely. And their love is expressed in high pitched squeals and spastic jumpy body language. It's adorable! They just finished putting on a show for my parents in the garage/playroom and I took some video. Please forgive the language of the song...

The only downside to having our parents visit when the kids are here is that we don't get any time with our parents without being interrupted a million times. I want time with my parents too! I know I am a grown up now and I shouldn't be jealous of my own kids spending time with my parents but alas, it is the case. And I want time with Mike's parents also. The rare occasions that we do get to spend time with either set of our parents without the kids is so much fun. It is really neat to realize that you have more of a peer rather than parent/child relationship with your parents. I'll post pics of us with Mike's parents last year when we had a weekend with them to ourselves at the beach.

So thank you to The Grandparents for making our kids so happy and for making us so happy too!!


  1. I think Mom and Dad were so tickled to hang out with you and Mike alone too. I've never seen them in a photobooth!

  2. that was like the "grandma hair dance"!
