Thursday, April 14, 2011

10 Questions - Bailey

 I stumbled upon this awesome article and it inspired me to ask Evie and Bailey these questions. My idea is to ask them now and then ask them again after Levi is born. The answers might be the same but I wonder if they'll be different. Here goes:

What is the hardest thing about being a kid? What is the best thing? Do you think it's easier to be a child or an adult?-Everything is hard to me, most things, everything in 3rd grade is more complicating. CRCT, the teacher is rushing you, it's a big rush to get ready for the test and 4th grade. It's way more challengy.
-The best thing is my loving family, I get everything I need, not everything I want, my wonderful basketball team, Momma Momma, my pets.
-It's easier to be a kid  because grown ups have to collect money and pay taxes and it's boring and you lose your money.

What is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you? What's the nicest thing you've ever done for somebody else?

-Nicest thing someone's done for me- sign me up for basketball, got me my dog Blue, bought me lots of barbies, Daddy gave Pearl lots of chances, Daddy takes care of Gizmo when I'm gone.
-Nicest thing I've done for someone- help someone up when they get hurt, not yell at my friends instead I talk it out with them when I am mad at them.

Do you think it's easier to be a boy or a girl? Why?

Girl, because boys always get in trouble, and it's harder to save their clothes because of stains. I love being a girl because I can have pretty hairstyles. Being a boy would be blech!

What's your earliest memory? Tell me everything you can remember.

My first memory is crawling around my new house and trying to go up the stairs and looking at Daddy. Then I remember Disney World and the deep pool I swam in and taking a bath with Riley and the Magic Kingdom.

Do you think in our family parents and kids spend too much time together, not enough time, or just the right amount? Do you have a favorite thing we do together as a family?

-Not enough time because Daddy is at work and we have to have 15 minutes apart, and Mom does housework and cooks dinner and doesn't want us with her when she does that. And I don't get to see Momma Momma because she is always working. It just needs to be rearranged.
-My favorite thing to do with our family is game night when we play the game where we have to smell each other's armpits and feet and pick belly button lint out of Daddy's belly button. And at Momma Momma's my favorite thing to do is Charades.

What is your most prized possession? Where did you get it? Why is it so special? Would you ever sell it? For how much?

My family and pets. And my blonde haired barbie that I got for x-mas from Momma Momma and my Edward doll. I love my blonde haired barbie because every outfit looks good on her except princess dresses. I would never sell her. Maybe for 5 million dollars.

When you think about everything in your life, what are you most thankful for?

My family, my friends, everybody I like at school including my teachers and friends, people that are far away, my wonderful loving pets.

What do you think it takes for someone to be happy in life? What makes you happy?
-A loving family, food and water, needs and some wants, cute pets, a wonderful husband or wife, loving children, family night.
- My loving family, my pets, my barbies, the color green.

Do you remember your dreams? Can you tell me about one?

Yes, I remember a dream where two old men, one with a black beard and one with a blonde beard and both with bushy eyebrows told me to look over cliff and make a wish and then they pushed me over the cliff and I died. Well I woke up but I think I died in the dream. I had it three times.

If you could give one person one gift and not have to pay for it, who would would that person be and what gift would you choose?

Audrey, my sister, because she always is nice to me and has a good attitude except if she's tired. I would give her the 2nd prettiest, valuable barbie in the universe because the 1st would be mine.


  1. love it, thanks for interviewing her! i can feel her maturity in her answers!

  2. Love it! Glad I gave her one of her most favorite things - the Edward doll... : ) from Grandma

  3. What does Bailey mean by 15 minutes apart from Daddy? Does he work 15 minutes away?

  4. Everyday when we get home from school we have the girls go to thier rooms by themselves for 15 minutes to decompress from thier day before they are allowed to play. Some days Bailey loves it and other days it's like we are torturing both of them, lol! Some days I need it more than they do ;)
