Friday, April 1, 2011

Official Maternity Leave

I put my notice in today for maternity leave. My last day of work will be April 15th. I don't go back to work til school starts in August. I am so excited! This week has been a real challenge for me to get to work on time and get the kids to school on time. And most of my problem has stemmed from not getting enough sleep at night which has been the result of all the midnight trips to pee and my attempt thereafter to get comfortable and go back to sleep. In short, I am definitely not my usual energetic self, I am now officially in the stage of pregnancy where in I am slow when I walk and I am tired unless I get 9+ hours of sleep every night. Oh yeah, and I have swollen feet and ankles, yipee...

But really I am very happy that I can take maternity leave and I am even happier that my boss is being very nice about me working from home part time over the summer so I can still make a little bit of money and keep my contacts going at work.

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