Friday, April 22, 2011


We had a wonderful time with Mike's parents this week. They came to town to visit us but also in particular to celebrate Passover with us. This was my first Passover, and Evie's, and I think Bailey's too. So it was very special. It was really interesting to watch Mike go back down memory lane, he grew up celebrating Passover but I think it has been quite a few years since he's celebrated. Mike's Mom spent two days cooking delicious desserts and yummy matzah infused recipes. Mike's Dad lead the service for the dinner.

I was not raised with much religion, I was Presbyterian for a couple of years around 3rd and 4th grade (Bailey's age) but that faded out and that was the only time in my life that I went to a church or any religious place regularly. Any knowledge that I have of the bible or religion of any kind is from my studies in Art History. Most Western artwork throughout history was commissioned by the Catholic Church so most of it is religious in subject, so because I was learning about the artwork I learned about the subject matter too, as a byproduct.

I say all this to inform you that I have a lot to learn when it comes to religions, including Judaism. Over the last 2 years I have learned a lot about the Jewish faith and it has been very interesting to me and enlightening. In my limited exposure to Judaism it has struck me as very historical and academic. Unlike some of the Christian religions I have been exposed to Judaism seems very intellectual which I appreciate. I prefer to have my intellect appealed to rather than my emotions when it comes to religion. I like that I can approach Judaism with a questioning mind. I also love the historical and cultural aspects of Judaism. Having been an Art History major I love learning about the context of the different traditions and the cultural/ethnic connections between the practices and the history.

So as I continue to be exposed to Judaism I continue to learn not only about a religion but also about a culture, an ethnicity, and a history of a very interesting people. Mike and I don't go to church or to temple, or any religious place. We expose the kids to our family's religions which are quite varied and include: Judaism, Christianity, and Paganism (see post below about Paganism). We both come from a more agnostic standpoint when it comes to religion. I love learning, and being exposed to all three of these very different religious practices has been really interesting for me. I love making connections between all three religions. I am very glad that our kids get to be exposed to such different faith systems too. If they some day decide to follow one of the three above religions or follow nothing or follow anything else at least their decisions will have been well informed and not shoved down their throats.

Our Passover Dinner 

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