Monday, April 11, 2011

Getting Ready

I am very much feeling the need to get ready. And quick. The nesting instinct is pretty amazing. I was up until almost midnight shoring up loose ends. And all night I had dreams with an overall arching theme of, get ready, get ready, get ready. One of the last things that needs to be done is picking up the birthpool and accessories. I plan to do that in the next couple of days. I also need to make a list of what I want to bring to the hospital with me. Then we are ready, or as ready as one can be for this sort of thing. I have actually been procrastinating the hospital packing list for 3 days. Like once I do that it is all too real.

On a side note, I am going to post a pic of me in my preggo bathing suit today. I realized that if I want to have a pic of that I better get it soon. So I apologize in advance for the scary paleness your eyes will be subjected to but I have to do it for posterity's sake.

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