Thursday, April 14, 2011

My Thoughts on the 10 Questions Posts

It was really neat to hear both girls answers to the 10 questions I asked them. I noticed they both talked a lot about their other parents. I don't know if it has to do with the fact that they spent all of last week with them or not. I am constantly surprised at how much both girls absolutely love their family. And I interviewed each girl alone and I did not prompt either one for answers to any questions. I really wanted to honor the integrity of their thoughts and true words. Some of these questions I have never asked them, some I have but not with such open ears. Some of their answers made me sad. I hate that Bailey feels like everything is hard for her right now. I also hate that Bailey doesn't feel like she spends enough time with her family. Neither of these answers surprised me but still, I wish they were different. I love that they both LOVE being girls, that is so reassuring, if they hated being girls at this age I would be really worried that something was happening to them that we didn't know about. I think it is hilarious that they both value their barbies more than anything else and both would give their favorite person a barbie. I love that Bailey loves her basketball team so much, it has been really amazing to watch Bailey grow over the last few months that she's played basketball, it is such a morale and confidence builder for her and I love watching her be so happy. Another answer that didn't surprise me at all was Bailey's bringing up her pets for almost every question. That girl loves her pets, sometimes I think she loves them more than people. I thought Bailey's answer about what makes someone happy was really interesting. She listed a loving spouse and loving kids and family night. That is really neat. I am glad that after going through the divorce that she still believes in happy marriages and families. Bailey's dream about being pushed off a cliff is sad. Really sad. Even sadder that she has had it 3 times. I remember having bad dreams as a child. Recurring bad dreams. I think it is probably normal for most kids to have bad dreams and some are recurring but it is still something you wish your child didn't have to go through. Evelyn's answer that the hardest thing about being a kid is listening is HILARIOUS! Because it is sooo true for her and I love her honesty. I am really really glad that both girls mentioned our family movie nights and game nights that we do with them. Mike and I knew when we started doing game nights and movie nights that the girls loved it and would probably always remember it but now we have proof that we were right.

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