Sunday, April 17, 2011

Super Organized Planner

And add control freak to that title too. Yes, that is me folks. I am very type A when it comes to my personal space, my household, my cubicle, etc. Yeah, it is not endearing when I lose my mind over little things being out of place in my spaces. Just ask Mike, or the kids. So you can imagine how I am freaking the f*** out at the prospect of being in recovery from birth and having other people in my space, taking care of my stuff (kids and husband). Please laugh at me through this, that seems to be the most effective disarmament of my freak out alarm, again ask Mike.

I spent this morning making detailed schedules of our kids morning routines, afternoon routines, and a weekly detailed grocery list. Yeah, and that's just the beginning. I am also going to write out a daily and weekly task schedule for all the things that need to get done around the house. And even though I am making these detailed lists and schedules I will still freak out because one thing won't get done the right way. Like someone won't rinse the coffee stirring spoon after they use it and so there will be coffee/creamer puddle on the coffee spoon plate. What? You don't have a coffee spoon plate?

Yeah, I am this crazy. Now, I try really, really hard to hide this crazy side of myself from people that visit my house. Especially people that spend the night with us. I don't want to be this way. I really want to be easy going and roll with the punches. I want to be care free. But I know that my family and Mike's see the crazy, and they politely pretend they don't notice it but I know they do. And I thank them for putting up with me.

So I guess this post is a warning and an advance thank you.

Warning:  I will be a psycho after Levi is born because on top of my own self inflicted crazy control freakness I will be sleep deprived and hormonal.

Thank You: For not clubbing me to death from frustration with me. Thank you for taking such wonderful care of my daughters and Levi and supporting me through this very topsy turvy time in my life. Thank you for still loving me despite my very glaring shortcomings.


  1. Hee. I have a coffee spoon plate, but it's only there to keep the coffee/creamer puddle from being on the counter.
    It's always hard, no matter how supportive the people are, to have other people in your space, doing what you would prefer to be doing yourself. My mother-in-law was here when Christina was born and I couldn't enjoy her visit because I spent the whole time worried that she wasn't going to put on (and then take off) the designated "smoking shirt" that I insisted she wear when she went out for a cigarette so that no trace smoke would find its way into my house and my newborn's lungs. Or that she wasn't doing the potty dance the right way when Sabrina used the bathroom. Or a million other things. I still stand behind the smoking shirt one, but the rest of it, I wish I could have let go. But I COULDN'T, and so I understand where you are coming from.

  2. Jen, did Dad forget to rinse his spoon again?!!!! I'll have a chat with him.

  3. Have you tried yoga and/or meditation? It makes me more easy-going and flexible about things. It could be great for the post-partum time.

  4. LOL Mom! No Dad did good this time ;)

  5. @Jen, I am glad I am not the only person that has a hard time letting go of that kinda stuff!
