Friday, April 22, 2011

The Calm Before the Storm

This weekend may be the last time that Mike and I have together before Levi arrives. The last time before we go from a family of 4 to a family of 5. In fact, we may not make it the whole weekend without Levi arriving. The last week has literally been a whirlwind. We have had visitors (wonderful family!) since last Friday and so we have all been enjoying ourselves but also super busy and off routine. Now it is soooo quiet in the house. Mike's parents left for the beach this morning (with full knowledge that they may be turning right back around in a day or two), both girls went to school and got picked up by their other parents.

I have been home all afternoon by myself (except for Gizmo, our cat) and it is eerily quiet. I am enjoying the quiet, and obviously I am catching up on my blogging (this is post #4 for today). It seems like this is the perfect weekend for Levi to make his arrival. I just don't know if he will. But I know that I am going to enjoy this weekend no matter what. Because whether he comes or not this is probably the last calm we will have before the storm of a newborn baby boy in our lives. And I can't wait for that storm to hit! =D

One last kid free weekend...

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