Saturday, April 23, 2011

Smack in the Face

I was just telling Mike this afternoon that it was very possible that Levi won't come until his due date (which was originally May 3rd-May 9th) because Evelyn didn't come until her due date. Just after stating this to Mike we left for Bailey's basketball game. As we are walking out the front door we are met with our stroller for Levi. I ordered the stroller last week (Monday) and they informed me that it wouldn't arrive until May 2nd -May 10th. I posted to FB that i thought Levi would arrive before his stroller. Both our jaws hit the ground. Shock washed over me. Realization soon rushed in after that. If his stroller is here already and I was sure he would beat the stroller getting here then that means that he REALLY is coming, like SOON! We both guffawed and made shocked faces the entire way to Bailey's game. I even cried a little because it just really hit me. He is really going to be here.

Luckily last night after our anniversary dinner we went to the mall and picked out his first outfit, in the right size (Mike's Mom had already bought us the outfit but it was too big (6 mos) so we went and bought the same outfit in NB and 3 mos size just to be sure it would fit him). So I just finished packing my hospital bag and put it by the front door. Mike is installing Levi's carseat as I type. The birthpool is already by the front door. Mike put batteries in the baby monitor today and we bought a little lamp for Levi's bureau. So now, I guess, we really are ready. Wow. This feels weird.

P.S. Just bought a baby book for Levi and started filling it out. Wow, this is all hitting home today. There was a section for me to write a letter to Levi, very semtimental, very special. There's a section for Mike to write a letter to Levi too. <3 <3


  1. So exciting! I´m so happy for you all!

  2. Yes it is a blow up birth pool. We did a test set up with it last weekend and it is very nice, way better than the kiddie pool I used for Evie's birth. =)
