Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Braxton Hicks

Whoo Hee! I have been having braxton hicks over the last 3 days and they are really tiring. Last night especially. Just trying to make dinner was a major effort because on top of the braxton hicks Levi was kicking me and the girls both needed help with everything under the sun. Even though I put them to work for me (setting the table, putting away dishes, transferring the laundry, etc) I was still up on my feet and that just made the braxton hicks come on constantly. Then we went to basketball and even though I was sitting the whole time I was having braxton hicks the whole time. And wouldn't you know that Evelyn decided to push all her boundaries with me while I was having the braxton hicks and we are at a gym with stadium stairs. Oh yeah, it was special. And once we got home I had to make lunches and get coffee ready for this morning so again I was on my feet and the braxton hicks were right there with me. On the one hand I am glad that the pregnancy is progressing and I know that this is a great sign that we will get to see and hold and kiss Levi soon but on the other hand we have soooooo much left to do and I need more time and less pain to get it all done. I have said it before but wow, it is SOOO different to be pregnant when you have to take care of two other kids at the same time. Last week when both girls were gone I missed them so much but I also had so much more energy to put into getting ready for Levi because all I had to worry about was me and Levi. I am really excited that my parents and Mike's parents are coming to town in the next week because I would love their help in tackling this monstrous to do list, I'll bet that's just what they want me to do, put them to work ;)  What is Mike up to you ask? Well he is busy making sure we have enough moola since I am stopping work this Friday and don't intend to go back til August. The poor guy is also under a lot of stress like me but in a more provider kind of way. I love him so much!

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