Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Check List

I got the birthpool last night! Huzzah! And we got milkshakes on the way home, totally unneeded but totally yummy! So now I just have to tackle the rest of my to do list. Here is a sampling of my list:

-work out visitation dates for Evie with her Dad for the entire summer and into next school year. (I have been working on that for 2 days so far)

-clean out my car (it is a royal mess!)

-install the Levi's carseat into my car

-buy a hose and a net for the birth pool

-make my hospital packing list (still avoiding that one)

-sanitize bottles and pacifiers

-call the indoor bug guy to spray the house before Levi comes

-call the carpet cleaners to clean the carpet before Levi comes

-find a leg of lamb for Passover dinner with Mom and Dad

-mail some stuff at the post office

So even though I am only working part time this week I still have a lot to get done at home. That's all on top of my normal, lunch packing, laundry, dishes, dinner making, basketball mom stuff. But anyone reading this that has kids knows the drill.

Alright off I go to tackle my list =)

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