Thursday, April 14, 2011

10 Questions - Evelyn

I stumbled upon this awesome article and it inspired me to ask Evie and Bailey these questions. My idea is to ask them now and then ask them again after Levi is born. The answers might be the same but I wonder if they'll be different. Here goes:

What is the hardest thing about being a kid? What is the best thing? Do you think it's easier to be a child or an adult?

Hardest thing- listening.
Best- hanging out with my family, talking about my family, loving my family.
Easier to be a grownup because I can tell my child what to do.

What is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you? What's the nicest thing you've ever done for somebody else?

Nicest thing someone's done for me- let me play, sleep, and eat.
Nicest thing I've done for someone- played with them, like my friend Emma.

Do you think it's easier to be a boy or a girl? Why?

Girl because I wear pretty clothes and I like being a girl.

What's your earliest memory? Tell me everything you can remember.


Do you think in our family parents and kids spend too much time together, not enough time, or just the right amount? Do you have a favorite thing we do together as a family?

Just the right amount of time, I love playing games for family game night and movie night and birthday parties

What is your most prized possession? Where did you get it? Why is it so special? Would you ever sell it? For how much?

My new barbie from Daddy because her hair is so pretty. No I wouldn't sell her. I'll buy them a barbie like that because there's more barbies like that.

When you think about everything in your life, what are you most thankful for?

My family, love, and joy.

What do you think it takes for someone to be happy in life? What makes you happy?

Love. Love.

Do you remember your dreams? Can you tell me about one?

I remember a dream where I watched a movie at the aquarium with Daddy and it was a princess movie.

If you could give one person one gift and not have to pay for it, who would would that person be and what gift would you choose?

My best friend Emma, I would give her a barbie and a whole barbie house.


  1. your girls love Barbies.
    i find it interesting that they speak so much about "love", I don´t think I could conceptualize the concept until I was a teenager.
    Kudos for family game night!!

    ps- loved Bailey´s dream. She´s definitely a dark Saltzman!

  2. Love her answers! So smart! They are just precious.... Glad we made the right choices with all of those Barbies. They really seem to love them!
