Thursday, May 5, 2011

My Mom - Edna

My Mom and I at the beach - June 2010

I am writing posts to honor my Moms for Mother's Day. I met my Mom Edna in 2008. Edna is Mike's Mom and now she's my Mom too (that's right, I am staking a claim on her too!). In the short 3 years that I have known Edna I have been lucky enough to be embraced by one of the most interesting, smart, loving, thoughtful, and amazing women I know. According to Mike, his Mom loved me from day one. I don't know how I did it, I just know I am glad and very blessed. Once Mom likes you, really loves you, then you are pretty much set for life. That's one of the many things I love about her, she loves very intensely and she never gives up on people, ever. It's amazing! I met Mom when I was in a very topsy turvy time in my life. I was going through a nasty divorce and falling in love with Mike and going to grad school and raising Evie by myself and teaching 2nd grade for the first time and not talking to my parents. Mom was such a breath of fresh air to me at that time. She was very interested in learning about me and she wasn't judgemental. She was also very supportive of me and of Mike and I as a couple. She was the only one of my Mom's that was supportive of us in the beginning. Mike told me that she constantly warned him not to screw things up with me while we were dating, lol!

She loved Evie from day one as well. And though they are not blood related I see so much of Mom in Evelyn. Their mannerisms, the way they walk, it is adorable. When we leave the two of them alone for any amount of time I see the exact same mischievous look on both their faces when we get back. They are like peas in a pod those two.

Mom and Evie - December 2009

And Mom (and Dad) officiated our wedding. She and Dad paid for our wedding, they helped make the arrangements, they basically did everything for us because we were in Atlanta and our wedding was at the beach by their beach house. She made my dream wedding to their son a reality. And she basically stepped in and was my Mom when I needed one so much.

Mom officiating our wedding - May 23, 2009

And she continues to be very supportive and loving. As we continue to get to know each other I enjoy her and love her more. Her unwavering defense of anyone she loves is both inspiring and hilarious. She defends the kids no matter what and I don't think she has ever said a negative thing about either girl in terms of their behaviour, ever. It cracks me up =) Again it's her intense love that makes her that way and that is awesome! I love her for her wonderful book suggestions, her always spot on assessment of situations and people and her love for her family which now includes me and Evie, and soon Levi!

Mom and I - Thanksgiving 2008


  1. This is beautiful! Mom will defend to the death. I love her so much. And she's so lucky to have gotten a daughter-in-law like you! Mom is also an encyclopedia for details about the West Virginia family and the old way of life. Characters and lives described with total honesty. Sometimes I feel like we have the same brain, even if our interests differ. And that's why I feel close no matter where I am in the world. There's still more to discover about that Mom of yours!
