Thursday, May 26, 2011

End of the Year

Today I woke up and got all three kids fed/dressed and out the door. It only happened because Evie and Bailey are almost totally self sufficient. They both made their own breakfasts and brushed their own hair/teeth, put their own shoes on, packed their own bookbags with what they need for the day (I packed their lunches last night), etc. Plus they were both cooperative, that made ALL the difference.

Anyway, after they got themselves ready then I just had to get Levi and I ready. And we had to get kinda cute and presentable because today was both Bailey and Evelyn's end of the year parties at their schools. First I went to Bailey's school so she could show off her baby brother and she was really excited, not embarrassed at all, that's a first! And of course I forgot to take any pictures while we were there, boo Momma!

But I got to hang with Lynn and catch up a little while the kids stuffed themselves silly with sugar and junk food (seriously what is up with these kind of unhealthy school parties?! I did it when I taught 2nd grade but now as a parent of school aged kids I wish we could break this habit of stuffing kids full of junk and sugar at parties. Alright, rant over, for now).

I had to scoot out of Bailey's party early because Evelyn's school was having a Family picnic at a local park and I had to drive a bit to get there, and I wasn't exactly sure how to get there so I needed to allow time to get lost. I found my way no problem and when Evie saw me she was surprised, super happy, but surprised. I don't know why but for some reason she thought I wasn't going to show up, and therefore she had a meltdown before I got there. On top of that they forget to have her grab her lunch box before they left the school so she didn't have her normal lunch, she had to eat the school box lunch, which was actually almost healthy. Anyway, she was super happy to see me and that made me feel pretty awesome =)

Here's some pics:

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