Saturday, May 21, 2011

Being Levi's Mom So Far

Obviously being Levi's Mom is different than being Bailey or Evie's Mom. First and foremost I am dealing with different hardware. We decided to circumsize Levi which was not really a hard choice. We made our decision based on future peer pressure, maintenance, and religious precedent. Mike actually went with Levi and watched the procedure being done. I asked him not to tell me anything about it, I can't bear to know the pain he was in. What I do know is that taking care of his hardware after the procedure was really hard. Not hard in what we had to do for Levi physically but hard because it hurt when he pee'd and his little junk was so tender and sore =( I hated that.

Also Levi is just a different kid in general. He is thankfully a MUCH easier baby than Evelyn was. He only cries when he needs something. No colic so far (fingers crossed!), no crazy crying jags, it is such a relief. I was really legitimately afraid of having another colicky baby.

And I love looking at Levi because at certain moments I can see him as an older baby and he is so handsome. I love looking at him and seeing Mike looking back at me. I love how he loves me. How he prefers me, I know that makes me selfish, and I know that I have an unfair advantage over everyone but I love it just the same.

He is just such a gift, such a joy. I am not ready to go through pregnancy/labor again (still can't get rid of the pesky hemorrhoids, thanks Levi!) but I definitely want to do this again, one more time. I just feel it in my bones that Mike and I are meant to do this one more time. It is too wonderful not to do again. =) <3

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