Wednesday, May 25, 2011

2 Wk Check Up

Levi is weighing in at 9lbs 8oz and measuring 21 1/4 inches long (thanks Mom! ;)). And the doc says he is looking good =)

Next appointment is when he's 2 months old. And he has to get a bunch of shots. Daddy is taking him to that appointment. I'll hang in the waiting room til it's done.

He is looking a bit chunkier these days, I love that!

p.s. There was a discrepancy at the hospital when they weighed Levi after he was born. In the L&D room they said he was 8lbs 7oz. 12 hours later upstairs in the recovery room they weighed him and said he was 8lbs 10oz (they weighed him twice to make sure!). I am thinking he weighed 8lbs 10oz or 8lbs 11oz at birth. The L&D scale musta been wrong cuz ain't no way a newborn GAINS 3 ounces in 12 hours.

1 comment:

  1. i wondered about how they measure babies since they can´t fully extend their legs, right?

    in any case, he´s growing, exciting!
