Sunday, May 15, 2011

Levi's First Bath at Home

Levi before the bath: calm, happy, no idea what's about to hit him...

The Whale Tub

Levi made his displeasure known right away! LOL!

Scrub A Dub Dub!

What are you doing to me??!!

No touchy, NO TOUCH!

Safe in big sis's arms!


  1. Wonderful pictures...loved them! Thanks for keeping us all so close through the pictures! xoxo

  2. so cute!! does his belly button hurt?

  3. The pediatrician said it doesn't hurt, there aren't nerve endings there I guess. We are just waiting for the cord to fall off, probably today or tomorrow. Bath time was quite an event to say the least! =D <3

  4. isn't it amazing how levi looks directly at faces?
