Saturday, May 21, 2011

A Few of Levi's Unique Traits

- He grunts/groans/squeaks/squirms/moans almost constantly. It is adorable and only sometimes annoying when we are trying to sleep at 4am ;) He is just so active all the time, just like when he was in my belly.

- When he is really unhappy, and crying just isn't getting the message across he does this cough, like his ultimate form of protest and it usually comes in the form of three stern coughs in a row. It is hilarious! I am trying to get it on film but it's hard to know when it's coming.

- He kind of reminds me of popeye when he does this one eyed crazy eye thing. And he does this crazy newborn cross eyed thing too, hilarious and adorable!
- He already likes me more than everybody else =) He will tolerate Daddy and everyone else is okay but if he is fussy or tired he wants me only.

- He loves to be sung to, by his sisters, his Daddy, his Grandma, anyone that can carry a tune =) It calms him down in most cases.

- He poops all the time! I guess that's why he grunts all the time, lol!

- His favorite place in the world is on my chest. And he is definitely his Daddy's son, because his hand always seems to wander...

- He likes when Daddy holds him close to the TV, he is mesmerized by the colors and movement. And he loves to stare at the ceiling fans in our house.

- Everyone thinks he has red hair except me and he is growing a full on thick mullet, we've already scheduled his first haircut (just kidding).

And there's a million more little things that I am forgetting but I will attempt to post more as I think of more.

1 comment:

  1. Stan has a red beard so it do run in the family. :)
