Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Levi is Here!!!

Levi swam into his Daddy's hands Saturday May 7th at 8:59 AM. The labor and birth were perfect, Levi had his eyes open as soon as he came out of the water and he looked right at Mike and I. It was beautiful. He weighed in at 8lbs 7oz and was 20 3/4 inches long and all of it perfect! I will write up his birth story in the next few days (hopefully). Levi has been such a perfect baby all around already! He's a good eater, great sleeper (4 hours at a time!) and only cries when he needs something. What more could I ask for? My experience with Levi has been so different than with Evelyn, and I will elaborate on that more in a later post. For now I will post some of the many pics.

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