Monday, May 23, 2011

2 Years

2 years ago today I was 27 yrs old, Mike was 39 yrs old, Bailey was 7 yrs old, and Evelyn was 2 yrs old. Levi wasn't even a twinkle in our eyes, we had decided we didn't want to have any more kids, we were so pleased with our 2 girls =)

I had just finished teaching 2nd grade (my first year of teaching) the day before. I had just finished my practicum for my Masters degree in teaching the week before. My divorce had just become final (May 13th, close call!). I was living in Augusta and Mike and Bailey were living in our house that I had bought in Buford.

The day before Bailey came to school with me for the last day of school, she hung out with my students and got to see me teach (as much as a teacher "teaches" on the last day of school, lol). And after school got out that Friday, her and I drove to the beach together. And we hit lots of traffic and we were hungry and tired. But we had to keep going.

2 years ago today our friends and family came from far and wide: they drove all night, they drove with a crazy mother in law, and they flew cross country. They piled themselves into every nook and cranny of Mike's parents house, they rented hotel rooms, and they rented condos. They helped decorate the reception hall, they tried (and failed hilariously) to get food for Mike and I, they did my hair and makeup, and they waited patiently.

2 years ago today Mike and I stood in front of our family (except Moira and Stan) and our closet friends on Pawley's Island and we swore we would love each other forever. We promised to be true to each other, that we'd raise our daughters together and love them as our own, and that we would never take each other for granted.

And everyday since that day has been true to all the things we promised and swore to each other.

I love you Mike Saltzman, you've made me happier than I knew was possible.


  1. Oh you made me teary. I am happy for you five!

  2. Wish I could have been there! What a beautiful wedding. What's next for the Saltzman 5? I miss you all already. Hope you open the box! :D
