Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Scattered with a Chance of a Baby

This post is going to be kinda scattered, hence the title.

First off, sorry for not posting yesterday. I spent all afternoon trying to upload the videos I took of the kids, Mike and myself to blogger. I made videos of each of us (Bailey interviewed me) asking questions about Levi and how we all felt about his imminent arrival. The videos are priceless (at least to me) and I crack up every time I watch Bailey's and Evelyn's responses! They are all posted on Facebook because I gave up on blogger =(  If you wanna see the videos and you aren't my FB friend hit me up and let me know you read the blog and I will probably friend you so you can see the videos ;)

This week is CRCT for Bailey and she is doing great with her testing. We are all working together to create a low stress, high rest/recharge atmosphere for her so she can do the best she can on her tests. Bedtime has been set firmly at 8PM and no sugar this week until Friday night after she is done testing. We are gonna have a sugar blowout on Saturday night, I told her any dessert she wants, and as much of it as she can eat (yes I realize she will probably get a horrible stomach ache from this experience, but maybe, just maybe, she'll make the connection and not binge too hard).

This whole pregnancy I have pee'd a lot, as in very, very often. I have been a frequent pee'er since birthing Evie but being preggers has taken it to a whole other level. Yesterday Mike told me I should keep track of how many times I pee in a day. So I did. The results: in 24 hours I pee'd 39 times. Yes, that includes 5 times in the middle of the night and a little over once an hour when I am not sleeping. Ugh, it is tiresome. But one advantage, I know every bathroom in a 5 mile radius. So there ya go.

The biggest news over the last 2 days is that Mike passed a very important test at work yesterday afternoon, yay!! He took the same test a month ago and failed so we were both very anxious and nervous about him retaking it yesterday, but he passed with flying colors this time! =D

Other big news, I went to the doctor this morning and I am still the same progress as I was 3 wks ago (2.5 cm and 80%). I am actually kind of at peace with this. There has been A LOT of interest in when Levi will be here and everyday I get an email, FB message, or phone call asking how I am doing and when do I think this baby boy is gonna come. On Sunday I really thought it might be happening, I was crampy and had lots of contractions but when I layed down to go to bed nothing happened. So since then I have come to the realization that even though we all want Levi here sooner rather than later he is just going to come when he is ready. And that is okay. Everyone I run into is giving me tips and advice on how to get labor started (eating eggplant parmesan, riding on a bumpy road, castor oil, walking stairs, etc). But you know what? I am okay with how things are right now. Levi is still moving around like a crazy alien inside me and I feel good. I am in no rush to boot him out, it's actually kinda nice to hang on to him a little bit longer. Right now he is all mine, I don't have to share him with anyone. When he comes out I have to share him with everyone, so the selfish side of me is really enjoying these last days with him =)

Maybe Levi will be the best Mother's Day present I ever receive ;)

Alright, gotta run to Wally World to get provisions since an EXTREME WEATHER EVENT is suppossed to happen tonight. Please Lord don't let me go into labor tonight with all the tornados and dangerous weather!

This is a photo of me the night before Evelyn was born (she was born on her due date).


  1. your stomach looks bigger with evie. ?

  2. I agree! Mike says I was just bigger all over but I definitely think my belly was bigger with her. What's interesting is that my belly button has really popped out with Levi and it didn't with Evelyn. I think that Levi is just as big, maybe bigger but he is more contained. Evelyn really spread herself out so my belly was bigger. I dunno, we'll find out soon ;)
