Friday, April 8, 2011


Going to the doctor today and bringing my birth team with me. The birth team consists of Mike, my Mom, and our Doula. We were supposed to pick up the birth pool last night but got all the way over to her house (about 30 min away) and realized I had forgotten the check book and the cash. Yeah, preggo brain big time! We went in search of an ATM and could only find one and it was broken. At that point my Mom was starving and I didn't feel like inconveniencing the birth pool lady anymore so we will be going to get the birth pool another day. We are going to tour the hospital after my appointment and make sure we know where to park and how to get up to the L&D area smoothly. We are hoping to get a peek at Levi via ultrasound today as well, I am not sure if we'll get to see him or not. I'll update later with any exciting news =)


We got the ultrasound and according to the measurements (which are notoriously inaccurate both ways) Levi weighs 7 lbs already and because of his length of his legs he is in the 98th percentile for weight and length. So according to all that my estimated due date could be as soon as April 25th. And I got checked today and I am already 80% effaced and 1.5 cm dilated. And on top of all that Levi is extremely low (station -2) and he is in the perfect birth position, head down and facing my backside. This boy is very definitely coming soon! It was absolutely wonderful to have my whole birth team at my appointment! My doula brought her back up doula and she was just as wonderful as our doula! I told the back up that she is welcome to be at the birth whether she is "needed" or not. They are both so excited about my birth and that makes me so happy and proud. And both the doulas know my doctor outside of their work so they hit it off great. And my Mom loved the doulas and the doctor and enjoyed the tour of the hospital. I was glad to go back to the hospital and see the L&D room as well as the room that I will spend the night in after Levi is born. We had more questions answered and we made sure we found the cafeteria, you know I have to know where the food is at all times *wink*.

After all this wonderful news Mike and I looked at each other and smiled and immediately decided to go to Babies R Us to buy Levi's bed and all the other little stuff we need for Levi's debut. As I type this Mike is putting the bed together and I am getting the diaper bag ready. The things we had the hardest time picking out for Levi were his blankets (must be soft, cute, and big enough), the pacifiers/bottles (how in the heck do we know what he'll take too?? And is an orthodontic nipple really that important?? We'll find out!), and the diaper bag (we wanted something we could both use because there is nothing worse than being out and realizing that the [fill in the blank] is in the other diaper bag). So I have a lot of receiving blankets, fuzzy blankets, onsies, burp clothes, bibs, and socks to wash. But we are both sooooo excited! I looked at Mike today at Babies R Us and I told him I was so happy to be doing this with him. And I told him I couldn't imagine not doing this again with him. He was already picking out purple things for Izzy. Yeah, he is the best Dad and Husband ever!

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