Sunday, April 24, 2011

Letters to Levi

My Son Levi,

      As we all count down the last days before you arrive, I can't help but think about what you will be like. So far, what I know about you is that you calm down in Mommy's belly when I talk or sing to you and you kick Mommy's belly when I stop. We think you move so much because you like to be touched. Don't get me started on how you are when Mommy gives you sugar... Both your Mommy and I are already so in love with you and we can't imagine this world without you in it. Son, I don't know if you know it or not, but we have your whole life planned out for you already... :). Ok, maybe Mommy does. We men need to stick together, remember that!

     When your Mommy and I decided we wanted to have you Levi, I don't think either of us really understood what you ended up meaning to our entire family. I want you to always remember that you were and are the link of love and strength, and we all already love you so much.

     Love you,

Dear Levi,

    Your name means "to join" and that is exactly what you mean to our family. You are the first child for Daddy and I and your birth joins Bailey and Evelyn as it joins Daddy and I. I cried for an entire hour when I found out you were a boy. I dreamt about you before I knew you were a boy, I saw your big smile, blue eyes, and very long limbs. I feel so honored and lucky to have a son. You have made me so happy this entire pregnancy and now in the last days before you're born I am so excited to hold you and kiss you that I cry when I think about meeting you outside my belly. I love you Levi, more than you'll ever know my son.

                                                                                                                                       Momma <3

1 comment:

  1. Jennifer Colleran EdwardsMon Apr 25, 05:58:00 AM EDT

    I loved reading these, and I wish I had done something simliar for my girls. Thanks for sharing!
