Friday, August 26, 2011


As I approach 30 (yikes!) I am realizing that I am really actually an adult now. No more pretending like I am an adult because I feel that is what I should be, now I really am just an adult. With this new self awareness comes the noticing of some strange quirks I have developed.

I remember as a child and teenager watching my parents and wondering why they did things the way they did. They were so specific in the actions they made when doing certain things. I remember watching my Mom smoke a cigarette in her car in high school. It was like watching a choreographed dance. She had to clean the ashtray, then wipe the console, then delicately extract her lighter from it's protective pouch, the same with her cigarette, then finally she would light the cig and then roll her window down and up about 5 times before settling on just the right size crack to allow the smokey air out and keep the cool air in. And I remember watching my Dad clean the kitchen as a kid. He had to touch every single item on the counters. Every one. And not just touch, he had to move it a minuscule centimeter to the left or right a few times to make sure it was just in the right place. He still does that.

And when I would watch my parents do these quirky things I would wonder why they HAD to do it THAT way. I would wonder (in my defiant teenage way) why they couldn't relax and do things differently, ever.

So now I realize that I too have developed quirky habits that my kids will question and pick on me for. And here are just a few:

Brushing my hair before I go to bed. What is that? I have NEVER done this before but now I find I can't go to bed unless I have brushed my hair. It is going to get bed head whether I brush it or not but alas my compulsion will not allow me to not brush it. This habit has really started since Levi was born. Weird!

Brushing my teeth 3 times a day. This is a great habit and one I wish I would have developed at a younger age. But it is strange. I am unable to go through the day without brushing my teeth, especially if I feel that my teeth are getting a film from all the food I eat. Part of my new love of teeth brushing is the discovery of a new toothpaste that I LOVE the taste of. I would seriously eat the toothpaste if I could. Crest 3D White Advanced Vivid Stain Protection. Now it comes in 2 flavors and my favorite is fresh mint. I was VERY disappointed when I accidentally bought vibrant mint. See the crazy quirkiness here people?!

Speaking of oral hygiene, I have now developed a solid gum chewing habit. An addiction really. I am not a pack a day yet but I am close. I am not sure why I have developed this habit. Again it is a new one that has just popped up since Levi was born. Maybe I am developing OCD as part of my postpartum experience? And of course I have my favorite gum and all other gums shall never be as good as it. Wrigley's 5 Rain flavor gum. I am chewing it right now. And I just brushed my teeth.

The way I clean my kitchen. I like to do the dishes/make coffee for the next day/pack everyone's lunches, then clean the counters, then sweep the floors, then mop. I like it this way because then everything is clean at the end and you haven't recreated a mess by doing the floors first and then wiping the counters and getting food/stuff on the floor from the counters. Yeah, I know, I am weird.

So there a few of my weird quirks. What are your quirks? Did you find that you were less quirky as a young twentysomething? Do you have a favorite toothpaste too? Do you remember your parent's crazy quirks? Have you developed the same quirks as your parents? What's your favorite gum?

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I need a wife

I need a wife just like me. Let me explain. As a SAHM/W (stay at home mom/wife) my entire "job" is taking care of the kids and Mike. My day is consumed with anticipating everyone's needs/wants before they even realize they have them. I devote all my time to cleaning/cooking/shopping/chauffeuring/errand running so that the four other people in this family can flourish and succeed at their endeavors (school/work/growing).

I want someone to do that for me. Because WOW! That has got to rock to be so well supported. I don't want to stop doing what I do for Mike and the kids. I love to see them all happy and content. I just want someone to do the same for me.

So I need a wife just like me. I am accepting resumes starting today. The position has no pay or benefits or vacation time or sick days. But you do get to watch me flourish and succeed at being myself so that's gotta be worth something, right?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

My (not so) Tiny Dancers

Both girls made their way to the front of their dance classes today. I was not surprised at all. They are both natural leaders and neither will settle for anything but the most attention possible (in a good way). Check out these cutie pies!!! :)

Bailey is taking a Hip Hop class.

Evie is taking Ballet/Tap.

And here's Levi being his cute self as usual :)

Saturday, August 13, 2011


Recently (yesterday) I decided to research relaxation techniques to help me stay calm and level headed in the face of 3 kids and a million things to get done. I found some EXCELLENT resources and I immediately started putting them to use. Let me tell you, it amazes me, astounds me, how a change in perspective and outlook has changed the entire landscape of my day to day life as a SAHM (stay at home mom) with a 9 yr old, 5 yr old, and newborn. I feel like I have a new lease on life, like things that I never thought were possible are not only possible but easy to do. One of the things I struggled with was getting into spats with the big girls (Levi at this point is pretty low maintenance as far as emotional needs). This was a HUGE source of stress and heartache for me everyday, to the point that I would dread them coming home from school because I didn't know how I was going to avoid the altercations. After researching the techniques for relaxing and putting them into use Friday and today I am AMAZED! Not only are the spats less but the joy and love are so much MORE!!! More than I thought was possible in such a quick time. There has always been love of course but the constant spats make the joy/love feelings hard to remember and feel in the moment.

So today I have felt like a new woman and a new Mom. The five of us ate a yummy breakfast together and we all laughed, belly laughed at the table together just cracking each other up. Then I did yoga for 20 minutes to relax. Then I walked with (dragged) Evie and pushed Levi in the stroller at the park for 2 miles. Bailey rode her bike while Mike ran the 2 miles. It was great! And then we came home and had a yummy turkey burger with turkey bacon dinner. Mike bathed Levi while I bathed and did hair for both girls.

Today was a wonderful day. But it wasn't a different day than any other for our family. Except for me, I was different. My outlook, my approach was different. And that made all the difference. There were plenty of opportunities for spats with both girls. Today I took breathes, I gave myself time outs, I said my mantra (let it go, let it go, relax, relax) about a million times, and it worked! I know it's only been 2 days but the difference has given me so much confidence, so much hope, so much happiness.

At the end of the day (everyday) I LOVE my family. I love that we all get to be together and share this life with each other. I want the time that the five of us are together to be full of reality but also laughter, fun, joy, love. Our life has always had that but recently it was more stress than love. Now the tables are turning back to they way it should be and I am so very glad.

Monday, August 8, 2011

First Day of Kindergarten for Evie and 4th Grade for Bailey

And I cried and sobbed as soon as the bus pulled away. Why am I so heartbroken by watching Evie happily get on the bus and go to school?