Thursday, May 5, 2011

My Mom - Sally

My Wedding Day - May 23rd, 2009

In Honor of Mother's Day I wanted to devote a post to my Moms. This post is for my Mom Sally. She gave birth to me and my twin brother almost 30 yrs ago. What can I say about my Mom? She is dynamic, intelligent, funny, witty, sharp, and loving. Over the years our relationship has been up and down. I love her very much and though I am choosing not to talk to her right now I care for her deeply and mourn the loss of her in my life and my children's lives. The picture above is from my wedding day to Mike, that is the last time I saw my Mom. Throughout my life people have told me that I look just like my Mom, especially when I was younger.

Stan and I in high school - circa 1999

And I get my very strong feminist roots from my Mom. She also instilled in me a love of reading, singing, and art. My sense of manners comes from her too. She was always big on my brothers being chivalrous and because I was around observing this I picked up a lot of the same chivalrous habits and manners. And my table manners come from her too, she was really big on that when we were kids. And now I am the same way with my kids. She is a very social lady, or was, and she could talk to anyone, I remember that distinctly. She had many different and interesting jobs over the years including: reporter, cab driver, radio DJ, TV anchor, newsroom director for TV show/newspaper/magazine, and IT specialist.  

I always admired her for being a single working mom and raising 3 kids. She never remarried and really hasn't dated (that I know of). She didn't raise us our entire childhoods, she had us from the time I was 5/6 yrs old to when I was 8/9 yrs old and then again when I was 13/14 yrs old til I graduated from high school. After I graduated from high school she went back to college to finish her bachelors degree. I really admired her for that. And then she went on to pursue her masters degree. I also admire her for that. She hasn't finished her masters, I don't know if she ever will.

As I mentioned in a previous post, I get my laugh from my Mom. And what a laugh it is! And I get my sense of self confidence from her too. She always instilled in me that I can do anything, that I am smart, beautiful, funny, and wonderful. She was and is very loving with words. She has always been there for me. When I decided to leave my ex-husband I called her and even though I hadn't spoken to her in over a year she answered the phone and supported me like no time had passed at all. And I am certain that if I picked up the phone right now and called her she would talk to me and be loving with me even though I have ignored her calls for the last 9 months. Don't get me wrong, the guilt does come eventually, but initially she just loves me and supports me. And that makes her a great Mom in my eyes.

Thanksgiving 2008 - this was the first time my Mom met Mike and Bailey.


  1. thanks for these posts about your moms. i'm learning a lot about you!

  2. Insightful, lovely comments...

    I immediately liked Sally when she stayed at the house when you and Michael were married. Uncle Tom and Aunt Annie also liked her. I don't know if you remember, but I gave her a copy of your wedding vows, prayers, etc. (The other copy is waiting for me to make into a wedding book. : )

    I hope someday we will get to see and talk with her again. I would like to ask about her mother's art as well as her very interesting life.

    Love you!
