Thursday, May 26, 2011

End of the Year

Today I woke up and got all three kids fed/dressed and out the door. It only happened because Evie and Bailey are almost totally self sufficient. They both made their own breakfasts and brushed their own hair/teeth, put their own shoes on, packed their own bookbags with what they need for the day (I packed their lunches last night), etc. Plus they were both cooperative, that made ALL the difference.

Anyway, after they got themselves ready then I just had to get Levi and I ready. And we had to get kinda cute and presentable because today was both Bailey and Evelyn's end of the year parties at their schools. First I went to Bailey's school so she could show off her baby brother and she was really excited, not embarrassed at all, that's a first! And of course I forgot to take any pictures while we were there, boo Momma!

But I got to hang with Lynn and catch up a little while the kids stuffed themselves silly with sugar and junk food (seriously what is up with these kind of unhealthy school parties?! I did it when I taught 2nd grade but now as a parent of school aged kids I wish we could break this habit of stuffing kids full of junk and sugar at parties. Alright, rant over, for now).

I had to scoot out of Bailey's party early because Evelyn's school was having a Family picnic at a local park and I had to drive a bit to get there, and I wasn't exactly sure how to get there so I needed to allow time to get lost. I found my way no problem and when Evie saw me she was surprised, super happy, but surprised. I don't know why but for some reason she thought I wasn't going to show up, and therefore she had a meltdown before I got there. On top of that they forget to have her grab her lunch box before they left the school so she didn't have her normal lunch, she had to eat the school box lunch, which was actually almost healthy. Anyway, she was super happy to see me and that made me feel pretty awesome =)

Here's some pics:

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

2 Wk Check Up

Levi is weighing in at 9lbs 8oz and measuring 21 1/4 inches long (thanks Mom! ;)). And the doc says he is looking good =)

Next appointment is when he's 2 months old. And he has to get a bunch of shots. Daddy is taking him to that appointment. I'll hang in the waiting room til it's done.

He is looking a bit chunkier these days, I love that!

p.s. There was a discrepancy at the hospital when they weighed Levi after he was born. In the L&D room they said he was 8lbs 7oz. 12 hours later upstairs in the recovery room they weighed him and said he was 8lbs 10oz (they weighed him twice to make sure!). I am thinking he weighed 8lbs 10oz or 8lbs 11oz at birth. The L&D scale musta been wrong cuz ain't no way a newborn GAINS 3 ounces in 12 hours.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Anniversary Booty!

Now get your dirty mind out of the gutter sicko! I am talkin about our gifts for each other.

Mike, my thoughtful and smart man, got me these beautiful roses...

And a special pamper day just for me! He's gonna keep the baby and send me off to get my hair done, eyebrows waxed, toenails painted, and body spray tanned. I am SOOOOO excited and in need of all of those things =) Good husband!

And I got this for Mike...

That says "Happiness is only meaningful when shared."
That quote was on our wedding invitations =)

And that says "Thank you for two years of love and joy!"

I don't know why these pics posted sideways, sorry about that!

2 Years

2 years ago today I was 27 yrs old, Mike was 39 yrs old, Bailey was 7 yrs old, and Evelyn was 2 yrs old. Levi wasn't even a twinkle in our eyes, we had decided we didn't want to have any more kids, we were so pleased with our 2 girls =)

I had just finished teaching 2nd grade (my first year of teaching) the day before. I had just finished my practicum for my Masters degree in teaching the week before. My divorce had just become final (May 13th, close call!). I was living in Augusta and Mike and Bailey were living in our house that I had bought in Buford.

The day before Bailey came to school with me for the last day of school, she hung out with my students and got to see me teach (as much as a teacher "teaches" on the last day of school, lol). And after school got out that Friday, her and I drove to the beach together. And we hit lots of traffic and we were hungry and tired. But we had to keep going.

2 years ago today our friends and family came from far and wide: they drove all night, they drove with a crazy mother in law, and they flew cross country. They piled themselves into every nook and cranny of Mike's parents house, they rented hotel rooms, and they rented condos. They helped decorate the reception hall, they tried (and failed hilariously) to get food for Mike and I, they did my hair and makeup, and they waited patiently.

2 years ago today Mike and I stood in front of our family (except Moira and Stan) and our closet friends on Pawley's Island and we swore we would love each other forever. We promised to be true to each other, that we'd raise our daughters together and love them as our own, and that we would never take each other for granted.

And everyday since that day has been true to all the things we promised and swore to each other.

I love you Mike Saltzman, you've made me happier than I knew was possible.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Being Levi's Mom So Far

Obviously being Levi's Mom is different than being Bailey or Evie's Mom. First and foremost I am dealing with different hardware. We decided to circumsize Levi which was not really a hard choice. We made our decision based on future peer pressure, maintenance, and religious precedent. Mike actually went with Levi and watched the procedure being done. I asked him not to tell me anything about it, I can't bear to know the pain he was in. What I do know is that taking care of his hardware after the procedure was really hard. Not hard in what we had to do for Levi physically but hard because it hurt when he pee'd and his little junk was so tender and sore =( I hated that.

Also Levi is just a different kid in general. He is thankfully a MUCH easier baby than Evelyn was. He only cries when he needs something. No colic so far (fingers crossed!), no crazy crying jags, it is such a relief. I was really legitimately afraid of having another colicky baby.

And I love looking at Levi because at certain moments I can see him as an older baby and he is so handsome. I love looking at him and seeing Mike looking back at me. I love how he loves me. How he prefers me, I know that makes me selfish, and I know that I have an unfair advantage over everyone but I love it just the same.

He is just such a gift, such a joy. I am not ready to go through pregnancy/labor again (still can't get rid of the pesky hemorrhoids, thanks Levi!) but I definitely want to do this again, one more time. I just feel it in my bones that Mike and I are meant to do this one more time. It is too wonderful not to do again. =) <3

A Few of Levi's Unique Traits

- He grunts/groans/squeaks/squirms/moans almost constantly. It is adorable and only sometimes annoying when we are trying to sleep at 4am ;) He is just so active all the time, just like when he was in my belly.

- When he is really unhappy, and crying just isn't getting the message across he does this cough, like his ultimate form of protest and it usually comes in the form of three stern coughs in a row. It is hilarious! I am trying to get it on film but it's hard to know when it's coming.

- He kind of reminds me of popeye when he does this one eyed crazy eye thing. And he does this crazy newborn cross eyed thing too, hilarious and adorable!
- He already likes me more than everybody else =) He will tolerate Daddy and everyone else is okay but if he is fussy or tired he wants me only.

- He loves to be sung to, by his sisters, his Daddy, his Grandma, anyone that can carry a tune =) It calms him down in most cases.

- He poops all the time! I guess that's why he grunts all the time, lol!

- His favorite place in the world is on my chest. And he is definitely his Daddy's son, because his hand always seems to wander...

- He likes when Daddy holds him close to the TV, he is mesmerized by the colors and movement. And he loves to stare at the ceiling fans in our house.

- Everyone thinks he has red hair except me and he is growing a full on thick mullet, we've already scheduled his first haircut (just kidding).

And there's a million more little things that I am forgetting but I will attempt to post more as I think of more.

Thank You to the Saltzmans!

My wonderful Saltzman family has been in town this week and they have been very helpful. They played with the kids, got them to school and back home, bought yummy dinners (chickens and my favorite pizza!), did dishes, washed/dryed/folded laundry, and put up with my VERY cranky, postpartum, sleep deprived self!

Thank you Moira, Mom and Dad! We LOVE you!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Bedroom Eyes

After only 1.5 weeks he has charmed his way into my bed. I've never let a man in my bed that fast (well maybe in my younger wilder days, shhush!). But how can I resist him?!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

An Overdue Thank You

Thank you to my amazing Mom, Michelle. You gave up over a week of your very busy/demanding life to come be with me through labor, birth, homecoming, and postpartum care. You cleaned, cooked, shopped, entertained, mediated, and loved all 5 of us and we appreciate everything you gave up and everything you did for us this past week. And you put up with me and my moody postpartum self! I love you Mom!!!


Sunday, May 15, 2011

Levi's First Bath at Home

Levi before the bath: calm, happy, no idea what's about to hit him...

The Whale Tub

Levi made his displeasure known right away! LOL!

Scrub A Dub Dub!

What are you doing to me??!!

No touchy, NO TOUCH!

Safe in big sis's arms!

Gigi and George Visit Levi

Gigi with her great grandchildren <3

Gigi's husband George with the kids =)

Gigi and Levi

George and Levi

Do you think Mike has his hands full?! LOL!!! =D

Levi and I chillin <3 <3

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Levi at 1 Week

Levi and the pretty flowers.

Levi doing his angel impersonation.

Levi looking at Gramper.

Grammy and Gramper and all their beautiful grandchildren.

Daddy and Levi. Special shout out to the Cullens for the kick ass socks ;)