Monday, July 11, 2011

Levi's 2 Month Check-Up and Shots

Today Levi had his 2 month check up. He has grown a lot! 13 lbs 2oz and 24 1/4 inches long! He's in the 90th percentile for height and the 85th percentile for weight. Mike was super proud, especially the height, his dream of having a super star basketball player son might just happen. So that was the good part of the appointment. Then came the bad part... The shots. He had an oral vaccine (never heard of that until today) and two shots. All together I think he got 6 or 7 immunizations. He handled it really well and so far no fever, just sleeping. Lots of sleeping.

I made Mike come with me for this appointment. And I will for every appointment when Levi gets shots. I don't think I would have been able to keep it together if I had been by myself. As it was I only teared up, no real crying, that's a success in my book. Next appointment is when he is 4 months and he will get more shots then too. Ugh.

Levi before his shots...

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