Saturday, June 18, 2011

My Two Dads: Marshall

My Dad: Marshall
Dad and Levi

Marshall is Mike's Dad. I've only known him for 3 short years but I love him. I call him Dad. He is a very interesting guy and a lot of fun. Every time I see Marshall I laugh and I think.

Dad and I cracking up in the backseat of the car

Dad's classic face

Marshall is so smart and so well read there is no topic that he can't talk about. And he likes to talk, love you Dad! And the man has unending energy. He only gets maybe 7 hours of sleep a night and never naps. But he also doesn't sit still, at least not for long. He walks to the grocery store, the park, the pool. He stays active and because of it I forget that he is almost 70. In fact I never think of him as old, he embodies the idea that age is just a number. He swims in the ocean with the kids, plays at the park with them. He never stops going and he is always up for going anywhere the kids want to go, as long as it's not too expensive, again, I love you Dad!

Dad on the playset with the girls

He is really a fascinating guy. He grew up in Detroit and worked for the city until he retired. He is Jewish and has a deep wealth of knowledge about his ethnicity. And he is a very sensitive person. He loves old movies and he cries freely at them. And he is a very loyal and respectful person. He always stands by his family, he doesn't take someone hurting his kids or his wife lightly nor does he let go of it easily. And he always makes me smile when he refuses to eat dinner until Mike gets home from work or is done working in the yard. He really respects his son. I see admiration in his eyes and he always voices his amazement at how we raise our kids and run our household. He's just a really appreciative and heartfelt man.

Dad and I dancing on the pier

And he loves his grandkids. He is always happy to spend time with them and never passes up an opportunity to be with them. He has embraced Evie as one of his own and just recently he and Evelyn spent a lot of cute quality time together at the beach. And he embraced me into his family too. And I really enjoy his company and respect him for the life he has built and the amazing wife and kids he has supported throughout his life. He's a great man, Dad, and Grandpa.

I love you Dad, Happy Father's Day!

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