Thursday, March 31, 2011


Jsaltz- that's me, the Momma.

Msaltz- that's my honey/husband/partner in crime, the Daddy.

Bsaltz- that's my oldest daughter, the Boss (9yrs).

Esaltz- that's my younger daughter, the Bandit (4yrs).

Lsaltz- that's my son, the Kicker (Due April 29th, 2011).


Welcome to my new blog. I used to run this blog and it was very good for and to me but my life has changed so much since that blog that I felt the need to start this blog. This will be where I come to share stories and document the life of my family now. I have a lot to catch everyone up on but that will happen in time. For now please enjoy this article which inspired me to name this blog.