Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Two Years Later

So it's been a while and as is to be expected with time, it has passed, and many things have changed and many have stayed the same. Events that seemed HUGE at the time are now just memories. And things that didn't seem very exciting at the time have become the cherished moments that slipped away. Some bullet points to fill you in on what's been happening in the last 2 years.

- I went back to work on October 2011. I worked for a large corporate fitness company and started as an entry level part time employee and worked my way up to a head manager role working 60 hrs a week, nights, weekends, holidays, etc. I left the company in April 2013 to make a complete career change. I went to work for my husband at a mortgage company and learned how to be a loan processor. Now I work from home doing loan processing, it's really perfect because I can be waaay more involved with the kids but still have the stimulation and satisfaction of working. Oh and I am starting up my own little Origami Owl Jewelry business as well. This was me at the manager job I had.

- We moved. We moved for a lot of reasons but one of the main reasons was to get a bigger house that was closer to our family. We now live 15 minutes away from family and Levi has his own bedroom. The move was the absolute BEST thing we could have done for ourselves and the kids. We've all been so much happier in our new house and we love the side of town we live on now. Oh and our new house has Hot Air Balloons flying over it all the time. Totally magical!

- Bailey doesn't live with us full time anymore. When we made the move she decided she wanted to try living with her Mom (she lives 15 minutes away). We are sad not to have her home as much. But she comes over frequently and when she does come home we are all so happy to be together that it makes for more positive experiences than negative. Before the move it was the other way around, unfortunately.

- We got a dog! I know, it's nuts! Why would we add another living needy being to our already very alive and needy family? Because:
Yeah, see that face, those eyes? She is my baby now. Levi is so big at 2.5 yrs old and so defiant and just such a toddler. This little girl, she's all mine, just loves me and wags her tail for me and follows me around the house. Her name is Daisy and we got her in December of 2012, so she's been with us for almost a year. She is a Boxer mix and we think she is 3 yrs old, she was rescued off the road and we got her from her previous owner that couldn't keep a big dog anymore.

- Mike and I did a Half Marathon. That's running 13.1 miles for those that don't know what that entails. We did the Myrtle Beach Mini Marathon in October 2012. If you're going to kill yourself and go through that kind of endurance/pain at least be somewhere beautiful. It was awesome! Painful but awesome. We trained for 3 months to prepare. In fact since we trained and ran the Half we've ended up doing a lot of races. We did an Amputee Benefit 5k, an Autism Benefit 10k, the Hot Chocolate 15k, and more. This past weekend all 5 of us did a 5k. It meant so much to me to do something healthy together. It also meant so much to me because running and racing has become a really big part of who I am in the last 2 years and it makes me beam with joy to see my kids discovering that they can be healthy and fit too.

So that's the bullet points, there is much more to tell but I can't give it all away the first day ;)