Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Kid Free Weekend in Savannah

Oh my! We had such a WONDERFUL time in Savannah! And already I want to go back because we didn't even begin to see all the sights and cool stuff!

Dear Heather

Dear Heather,

I am awake past midnight thinking about you. Sending you love, prayers, encouragement, battle cries. Whatever it takes to keep you fighting. To keep you here with us. You are an amazing soul. You have uplifted, inspired, and encouraged so many people, more than you even realize.

In you, I see myself. We are the same age, we both have a 5 yr old child. We both were teachers (you still are). You are who I wish I could be in many ways. Your energy, your passion, your determination. I can only hope that someday I can take on more of your qualities.

You have to fight. You have to eat. You have to fight because you have an amazing son that I know you want to see grow up. You have an incredible husband that loves you so much. Your Mom. Your family. Your friends.

And then there are people like me. People that you don't even know very well. People that are absolutely and unendingly rooting for you just because you are who you are.

I was lucky enough to teach on the same hallway as you. I had the honor of watching you very deservedly receive the Golden Apple award. I was there the day that the film crews came to your classroom. Every morning you came in with a smile and typically you were bouncing off the walls too. And I was also at Augusta State with you. You have stayed in my mind and my heart over the last 3 years simply because you are you.

Hear me Heather. Stay here. Stay in this fight. The prize at the end of all this fighting is life. Not just any life, your life. Your life full of people that love you and want you. Every minute, every hour, every day, every week, every year. Fight for it! Take it! Live!
